
Just earth as you know it...Well, sort of. Maybe not at all, actually. Earth is what humans call this sphere they live on, though other creatures know it as either Cinterna or Darshik. No one should even know the others exist, but here we are today. The magical barrier that seals away whole continents is weakening, and with that invisible portals have ripped open, fading as fast as they appear...Usually. Rumor has it some aren't fading away.

Creatures that accidently stumble out of the portals often can't find a way back, and it's most common when they are young kids who carelessly roamed off and got lost, so they aren't too knowledgeable about the places they are from. How they are handled varies from place to place, from being treated like any human would be, to some ending up in fucked up zoos for entertainment or even as pets- That goes about as well as it would if you kept a human as a pet or in a zoo. You shouldn't do that. Sometimes humans instead end up entering these portals...None have been heard from again.

Luckily most places don't do that, but hate towards non-humans is still common. Some places are more well known for co-existence while some places are full of humans who'd drive non-humans away. Hybrids between humans and non-humans exist which is a whole other can of worms for how they are treated. It's recommended full and hybrids live in places with humans who accept them but not all end up fortunate enough to have that choice.

Dangerous monsters have been spotted lately who have been running rampant and causing casualties, these monsters are to be reported and killed fast as they aren't like the others who show up. Mindless, murderous, foul beasts.


Frostpine City

"Welcome to Frostpine City, the happiest place on earth!" is what the welcome sign at the entry of the main road to the city reads and claims, but please ignore the graffiti that marks out happiest and replaces it with the word shittiest, someone really should clean that off. It seems many places make claims like that of course, but we all know it isn't that happy anywhere on earth.

The city is quite ordinary like any other large city would be, though one thing you'd note as odd is the horrific amount of homes and businesses that have clearly left their Christmas decorations up for much too long, you can only assume. In reality, the city keeps a bit of an aesthetic of Christmas year round and no one is even quite sure why, even the food sold often has that vibe. Fruitcake in july anyone? Ugh. Of course there's plenty of normal food places as well, especially on the edges of the city which don't maintain the whole vibe. Maybe just avoid the bakeries unless you want your nose assaulted with peppermint and whatever the fuck a sugar plum is.

Outside of the potentially obnoxious Christmas vibes, you'd also often notice burnt buildings and other surroundings. Plastered on random windows and brick walls are warning posters about some strange monster like creature, the photo is rather unflattering, sharp teeth exposed and drool all over his face, a crazy look in his eyes...For sure looks like something to avoid! Most of them simply read "Warning! 17838 is highly dangerous, do not approach! Weapons are recommended for self defense. Please call [-------] if you see concerning activity from 17838  to report it." You also take note of several businesses that have up signs with this monsters face and the words "Banned" or "Not allowed." Gift shops for some odd reason sell random trinkets, toys, ect based after the monster, but they all seem to be...various takes. Most look rather hideous. You'd wonder why the fuck they'd even let this thing keep living if he's such an issue. Maybe there's some form of sick entertainment going on here given the places selling things of him.

Along with those posters, are another type of poster directing one to call another number if you spot any abnormalities, which may include unexplained unearthly objects and any beasts without an id card, especially aggressive ones. It also lists Ect to be vague, maybe it's best not to question what that implies.

Frostpine mostly gets its name from the large pine forest that surrounds the place that most times of the year is snow covered. The trees within the city are sprayed with fake snow in the warmer months to keep the aesthetic. Several miles out from the city lies a large snowcapped mountain...Most residents refuse to go near this place, they say the monster lives there and he'll eat you alive if you enter his territory. That's just a rumor, of course. The forest and mountain is a dangerous place, however, as it's easy to get lost and potentially freeze to death. Or perhaps eaten by a bear... It's best not to venture out on foot simply due to that. A large river passes through part of the forest and in to the city as well.

The highest expected temperature in Frostpine is 55°F in the day of summer months and down to -40°F in the nights of winter, so make sure to dress warmly. The primary languages in Frostpine are English and Russian, long time residents often know both. Frostpine city resides within [???]. One thing of note, is nearly all the residents seem to be fully human here. Any that have odd traits get weird looks or may be harassed. Even something as small as an unnatural eye color is enough to get a rude look. It's uncommon for anyone besides those fully human to travel here due to this behavior, though some still do despite this. Just don't do anything sketchy and it'll surely be fine...Maybe.

Myst Valley

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

