
Pronouns He/Him
Height 2'11"
Birthdate June 7th 2000
Sexuality Homosexual
Role Villain
Birth Location Johto
Current Residence Castelia City
Species: Espeon+Crobat hybrid
Ability: Infiltrator  Type: Poison | Psychic
Double Team | Charm
Future Sight | Cross Poison
Held item: item here
Nature: Naughty

Oc designed by Elizadesu

A rude lil bastard man, Syixi loves picking on people for fun and is a generally bully. He's full of himself and acts like he's the best thing you've ever seen. He'll gladly fight anyone, human or pokemon. If you can beat him in a fight he might respect you enough to be more friendly- Well, his rude humor is still there, but still more friendly than before that. He's not a great friend at all. As toxic as his poison typing. He loves hanging out at bars and gossiping about shit and butting in to conversations. He sometimes makes up lies to make people argue because he thinks it's funny.

Rarely on some nights he can be found resting outside, basking in the moonlight. He thinks doing this long enough will turn him in to an Umbreon, but it won't.


Syixi...Syixi...How do you exist? A crobat and an Eevee can't cross breed, they aren't even the same egg group...Well, it was an Umbreon and a Crobat, but who cares about the specifics. Syixi's parents were flabbergasted when they woke up the next day to an egg. No one laid that thing, where did it come from? Well, you see, sometimes Arceus likes to be a little shit and give magically spawned hybrid eggs to unsuspecting parings. Unfortunately neither of them took claim on that egg and ditched it. Eventually Syixi's egg hatched and- God god, that eevee zubat combo was a bit fucked up. He was born blind with no eyes, but his wings too small for flight and he had no echolocation skills. He was screwed for sure, likely to die without guidance. Or you'd think.

This determined little bastard child at least had great hearing and sense of smell. He managed to sniff out food and water, and avoid others quite well. Maybe he was meant to live in this world after all. One night he evolved- Well, sort of. He stayed in the shape of an eevee but now with traits of a golbat. He still couldn't fly, but he had EYES now. Suddenly being able to see overwhelmed the little freak and he kept his eyes closed for a while at first. Eventually he got used to it and found himself on a shoreline. He snuck his way on to a boat and ended up all the way in Unova by the time he got off the boat. He eventually found himself in some chaotic underground mess of pokemon where he took up fighting for- Well, not money, but whatever a pokemon would have interest in. Items, food, whatever. He wasn't very good at first, but then one day he evolved again and was now an Espeon Crobat hybrid. But he was PISSED. He didn't want to be an Espeon of all things. He got better at fighting from then on, but maybe that was him letting out some pent up rage from not being happy with what he was.

Now days he can be found in an underground tunnel system beneath Castelia City, still having wack ass fights and probably worse activities for fun. Sometimes he is found in the surrounding areas in the open but mostly just for hunting.

Other info

  • Non-Move Abilities:
  • Has a venomous bite.
  • Can predict movements- Unless you manage to move another way abruptly to throw him off.
  • Known Weaknesses:
  • Ground and psychic moves.
  • Due to being a mix of a nocturnal and diurnal creature, his eyes are a bit wonky and his vision blurs a bit unless in a lower lighting like around sunset.
  • Likes:Fighting, himself
  • Dislikes:Losing fights, being an espeon
  • Bonus facts:
  • Like a crobat, he's vampiric and needs to drink blood along side eating other foods.

Known Interactions

