
Pronouns He/Him
Species Void Hybrid
Height 5'2"
Birthdate December 24th 1991
Sexuality Bisexual
Occupation Criminal is an occupation
Birth Location The cursed forest (Cinterna)
Current Residence Frostpine City
Element Ice

Oc designed by me, bitches.

Zayn is a criminal in Frostpine City, mostly known for acts of extreme arson. He's also a thief, but he's rarely caught stealing as he's very good at planning ahead and deactivating cameras. He's more likely to be getting in trouble for setting shit on fire, and general vandalism. Though most of what he's known for was from when he was younger, as he was, quite frankly, a fucking idiot. He now days over plans for his crimes to try his best to hide his tracks, though over thinking it sometimes makes things more difficult than needed. The only time you'll catch him being more chaotic and noticed when committing crimes is if he's doing stupid shit with others, or he's drunk or high on something. Even for when he isn't caught, most crimes are assumed by those who live in the city to have been Zayn even when it wasn't. Frostpine City boasts itself as a peaceful and happy place, though Zayn personally knows that's all a load of shit. The city is so used to putting up with Zayn's destruction that they actually have an entire system in place to fund repairs when he causes damage. As for why Zayn isn't rotting in prison, well, the head of the city actually finds him entertaining as strange as that is. Keeps him around just to laugh at him.

Zayn easily gets aggressive and angry towards others over even the smallest of things, as usually small things turn into worse issues for him. Growing up in a city that just hates his existence has caused him to be quite avoidant of others. Making a negative remark about his looks tends to get the worst reaction out of him. But any time he is outside of Frostpine City, he tries his best to control his temper better as he's unsure of how people will view him elsewhere. He still deals with negativity and both verbal and physical abuse no matter where he goes, but it isn't quite as bad outside of the city.

Despite his temper he doesn't seek out fights or anything, he tries his best to avoid conflict. But on some days he just wakes up angry at the world, and makes it everyone's issue. Zayn is highly dangerous in a physical fight against the average human, which is why people in Frostpine have actually been advised to deal with him with weapons if needed. Zayn has been shot and stabbed so many times he's lost count, and his body is covered in scars under his fur. He's never had issues with healing though, and he heals faster than a human would. Most gunshots don't even go that deep in to his tough skin and his bones are extremely hard as well. Zayn is strangely avoidant to using weapons himself, though. Despite Zayn being so dangerous...He hates fighting. He even just lets people beat him up sometimes instead of fighting back.

Zayn is wacky and chaotic for the large part of his personality, but he can also be caring at times even if what he says isn't the best wording. Zayn is also easily embarrassed and will hold a grudge if a random stranger causes it. Zayn can't really process his emotions well which causes him to be a bit extra with his feelings. Getting excited gives him way too much crack head energy and what should just be slightly upsetting can drive him instead to cry for hours straight, or even of and on for days. Alternatively, he might actually not act emotional at all. It really just depends on the moment.

Due to not being good with words, he struggles to tell people how he feels about them and would rather just give hints with his behavior around them. If he's told directly to back off he will, but if you don't tell him to directly in an obvious way he just...Keeps making an idiot of himself, really. He's a bit too oblivious if you aren't more direct with him.

Zayn has horrible hygiene in most cases, rarely bathing or brushing his teeth even. He only occasionally brushes his fur which means his fur is commonly matted in places. He actually hates having his fur messy though, but it's a pain in the ass to brush alone let alone reach every spot. A little known fact is he loves having someone brush his fur. Zayn is almost constantly digging around in or even sleeping in dumpsters, and paring that with his lack of bathing...He can be a bit unpleasant to be around. He'll be quick to clean up though if he has something important to do, like a goal or someone to hang out with.

Most of Zayn's diet consists of food he steals, food from the trash, or whatever random animal he can get hold of. He only kills wild animals though, and nothing that might be a pet.


Zayn was born in the land of Shadebane, somewhere in the middle of the cursed forest to be more specific. This was of course accidental, because not even the biggest of idiots would have a baby in the middle of a place full of monsters and demons. And it didn't take long for a monster to attack them shortly after Zayn was born. His father had attempted to use a teleportation spell on them all to escape, but due to having unstable magic he somehow only managed to teleport Zayn away. As to where, they'd never find out. His father had no control of where exactly anything was teleported to, and they had been near one of the world connection portals which interfered and had sent Zayn in to the humans realm. The connection portal, being invisible and a thought of only as a myth for that matter, was of course never ventured past by his parents and thus they never did find him...

Zayn had been sent to the center area of Frostpine City, and as it had been Christmas eve, the city was quite populated at the center that night. People were mostly gathered around the giant Christmas tree, and no one had even noticed the strange fluffy baby that had magically appeared near by. Being much more mobile and slightly more capable than a human baby, Zayn sat nearby staring, his tail swishing rapidly. He was strangely quiet despite all that had already happened in his very short existence. You'd think he'd cry at the least like most babies, but there was only silence from him. Taking an interest in the lights of the tree, he then crawled his way over and past the crowd. At this point people started to notice him. Some people screamed and some mistook him for some sort of wild animal. Everyone started yelling to watch out for whatever creature they thought he was, worried it'd attack.. Zayn had eventually reached the base of the tree, but when he touched it something strange happened. The entire thing started to freeze solid.

As the ice crept over the tree inch by inch, people backed away and started screaming more. Once the tree was fully frozen solid, everyone went silent. The lights reflected and sparkled against the frozen branches for a few brief moments...And then the tree shattered, falling in to a large icy pile of decorations and broken branches. At this point most of the crowd had ran away completely. Back to their homes where it was safe. A few people had spotted movement under the icy chunks of what was once a giant tree, and then Zayn popped out of the icy remains. Somehow uninjured, he immediately started screaming and his fur puffed up like an angry cat. Some of the crowd that had still remained started screaming monster before also turning to run. A few people surrounded him, seeing him as dangerous after seeing his magic, and fully had plans to try and kill him. After all, a monster that can freeze and shatter things is quite terrifying...Even in such a small size. And people in this city don't take kindly to other species due to reasons in the past.

Thankfully someone grabbed hold of Zayn to protect him, though not exactly out of the kindness of their heart, and more so to remind everyone that it's illegal to kill the "monsters" that appear in their world as they are just as intelligent as humans, and killing them has the same punishment as killing a human would. After a lot of arguing and threats, Zayn was eventually taken to the authorities that handle beings like him.

As for the whole incident with his magic going off randomly, he'd never hear any mention of it when he's older as people just pretend it never happened, some saying it's "bad luck" to talk about, and he'd never have his magic appear again until much later in his life due to it not being properly taught about to him like it would have where he's from. It's common in those newly born to not have control of their natural magic which is what even caused it to occur back then.

After a lot of paperwork and other legal things, Zayn was thrown in an orphanage to essentially rot, as no human around here wanted to adopt someone like him, and laws requires non-humans to stay where they were found until old enough to be on their own. And that is in fact what happened. Zayn grew up there, watching other kids come and go, though he never really got along with many of them. They all either thought he was weird, or tried to pet him like some sort of animal which resulted in him trying to or successfully biting them, though he never bit hard. He also had an obsession with fire and loved to burn random small objects which also weirded out most the others. He got in trouble for that a lot, as one would expect...As he'd steal lighters and matches to play with due to this fascination. He also had other odd behavior, almost animalistic at times, that was hard to correct. This all made the other kids even more scared of him. Zayn was often kept locked in his room due to being seen as a risk to the other kids and the fear he'd hurt or even kill another. He didn't think much of this, as he was just a dumb kid. He just accepted it. He often tried to build things from random junk to occupy his time while locked in, or he'd doodle.

Zayn was actually quite a polite and a bit of a shy kid when he was younger despite some odd behavior, he did try his best to get along with everyone. But when they treated him different or acted scared it hurt him. He did what he was told and never argued. Zayn was a bit unhealthy in weight and weaker than he should have been due to not getting enough to eat. It was unknown he needed to eat way more than a human. After getting yelled at for trying to sneak more food, he started eating strange things...Like rats and bugs. And even trash when no one was looking. The orphanage was pest free after a while...Well, outside a roach Zayn kept as a pet until he was told to get rid of it, he set that one free outside though was sad about it. The only toy Zayn owned was an old black cat plush he named Mister Meow that some homeless guy gave him...A plush he still keeps close to him even as an adult, as that was one of the first times someone was kinder to Zayn.

There were no people Zayn hated more than the ones at school. School was a living hell for him, as it was quite impossible to fit in when you were the definition of that one weird kid, both in looks and behavior. He did try to make friends, but it never really went anywhere. It usually just resulted in him getting laughed at or told to bug off. Instead of friends he just ended up with a lot of bullies. Eventually he stopped bothering trying to interact and kept to himself. Though isolating himself so much led to even more odd and anti-social behavior. One of the worst bullying incidents he had was when a girl asked him to a dance, but when he showed up her and some friends tied Zayn to a pole and shaved his head bald, writing mean words on his face after. He didn't really trust anyone at school after that one...

At the age of 16 he accidentally started a fire in the school, which resulted in the whole thing burning down. He had been messing with a lighter and lit a paper on fire in the library, and an ember set some books on fire and spread from there. He wasn't allowed to move to a new school as he was deemed too much of a risk after that. He didn't really care much though, at least he'd be away from all his bullies. The next couple of years he spent trying to get a job, but got rejected or ignored at every place he tried. No one wanted to deal with any risks of working with him. Between the fact he bites people, that he burnt down a school, and a mix of other issues.

Once he turned 18, he was kicked out of the orphanage and left to roam the streets. He just dealt with it though, probably better than most would. He just didn't give much of shit. He had no issue getting by just eating trash or whatever else he got a hold of as he'd been doing it his whole life already. He'd hunt down and eat animals raw, even large ones like deer. He did have one rule though, he'd never eat what could be ones pet. He was too nice to do that. The man didn't know how to cook as he wasn't really taught any useful skills, no one could ever be assed to help him. What Zayn did know was only what he taught himself. He knew how to drive, though maybe not the greatest. And he had only drove cars he "borrowed"...Zayn started to steal things to get by, but he wasn't very careful about it and being that he looks like, well, himself, he was easy to identify and arrest. The criminal records he started building didn't really help his chances at getting work. Eventually he became more cautious and careful, and by the age of 20 he was rarely getting caught stealing. The fires, however, well, they just knew. The people in charge of the city were actually letting him get away with shit for their own entertainment. Apparently having some arsonist monster in the city was...Funny to them? God knows how or why. Zayn would most often start fires to cause a distraction as well, being crazy enough to run into burning buildings to grab things and get out.

Zayn eventually bumped in to one of his old classmates much to his displeasure. They invited him to a Christmas party for...Some reason. Zayn never really participated in holidays outside of anything that was forced at school, though Christmas in particular always annoyed him as a thing with how obsessed everyone in Frostpine was with it. Some of these fuckers kept decorations up all year even. He found it all obnoxious, but he decided to go. He'd hope maybe they had changed their mind about him.

He made a mistake in being too trusting. Too hopeful.

...Let's just say it wasn't a good time.

Zayn got the fuck out of there after that. But he wasn't letting them all get away with what they did to him. He came up with a plan to get back at them. Make them feel even a bit of misery. Maybe not as much as he has, but even just a bit...At around midnight when everyone in the area was asleep, most of the people at the party being from one neighborhood, Zayn quietly and carefully broke into their houses. He picked the locks of their doors with ease, and he took nearly every Christmas related object from their homes. From trees and present to whatever else he could grab before waking anyone. Cartoon theft logic in this shit tonight.

He threw everything he grabbed in to one pile in the middle of the road as he went along and covered it all with gas, and eventually most the people in the area had woke up and noticed stuff was gone, and they found Zayn outside standing near everything with a shitty grin on his face. A snapped look in his eyes. His fur rough and and messed up even. He looked rather deranged. He was waiting for them to wake up and notice, and once enough people did notice, he struck a match and lit the shit on fire. Zayn just stood there laughing like some maniac while everyone watched in horror, something in his mind seemed to have snapped finally. You can only put up with people's bullshit for so long. They pushed him too far. All he could feel for humans in this moment was hate.

Yet, something he didn't intend to happen occurred. The fire jumped to the grass and started to spread, eventually setting the whole place ablaze. People were running and screaming for dear life, and Zayn stood there in the road watching as the flames consumed everything. He...Wasn't sure how to feel about this actually. He has burned down businesses but never houses. And never with anyone IN them. But then he started laughing again, or that is until he heard someone screaming inside a burning house. One person didn't make it out yet. Zayn stopped laughing and thought for a moment, before running towards the house and making his way inside the blazing building. It didn't take him long to find and drag the person out, though his fur got singed in the process. By the time he was out with them, the fire department and police had finally showed up.

He had left the now unconscious person on the street for someone else to deal with, and he was now met with cops surrounding him with guns pointed in his direction. He shrugged and only stated "I don't kill people, you know? I keep telling you all that." before being hit with barrage of gunfire. Clearly the cops kill people. Or maybe not. Zayn had hit the ground, hit in several places that should have been fatal, but then he sat up and gave them a dazed look. How the fuck was he alive? The hell is this freak? The police arrested him, though they seemed terrified of him now. He was taken to a hospital where it was found the bullets barely even went in. Most were still at the surface. At this point it was becoming more obvious just how much of a threat this furball could be if he wanted to be.

While usually he was let off after a few days for his crimes, there was too much damage and outrage this time and it was decided he'd be sent to prison, though only for 2 years which was...Quite lenient. You know, for causing arson on a whole fucking neighborhood. Zayn didn't really have any arguments, he just accepted it. He just can't give a fuck half the time now days. Whatever happens happens. He could die and wouldn't care, really. One reason he was so calm before being shot up.

Ironically he probably had a better time there than in the normal public. Most of the other prisoners just left him be, outside of a bit of teasing about the fact he was made to wear a muzzle and had his claws trimmed back and capped to prevent issues. For some unholy reason this was also the place he ended up dating someone for the first time in his life. Life is weird sometimes. This was the first person he ever could say he loved, and would be for a long time. He only told Zayn his first name, Jack, never told him the last name for some reason.

Unfortunately this wouldn't be someone Zayn would ever see outside this place, as the guy was on death row for a murder he didn't commit. Or so he claimed to Zayn. Was it true or a lie? That'll never be known, but Zayn believed him. Zayn ended up becoming rather popular with the other prisoners, Zayn even felt like he fit in for once. Being around a bunch of social rejects, even if some are...Awful people, was better than any other interactions he had before.

Zayn was still around by the time the day of Jack's execution was here, and despite Jack telling him not to be sad for him and to move on, Zayn ended up breaking the cell door open in an attempt to run after them in some sort of crazed "rescue attempt". He didn't get very far as they managed to taze the hell out of him, and Zayn ended up having a few months added to his stay time. They had no idea Zayn could even break the doors...What the fuck is this man. He was well behaved up until then which might be why they were a bit lenient over the fact he literally broke a cell door open and the reason being due to his emotions, a bit of pity was taken on Zayn. He was put in something a bit more durable after that however...This entire incident is what ended up making him clingy and over-protective later in life, losing the actual first person who cared about him, and that he cared about, made him terrified that it'd happen again one day. He's scared to actually get close to someone, and even more so, to love someone again.

Once Zayn finally was released, he just sort of went back to what he usually did. Zayn was given a small box when he was let out, somehow Jack had set someone up to buy a silver bracelet with a snowflake on it for Zayn and a note from Jack was inside. Zayn kept both in a safe place, too scared to wear the bracelet in fear he'd lose it.

He got more skilled at theft and other crimes over the years. He was in and out of jail though at times, because of course he was. But it was usually when he was more reckless like being drunk or high as shit on whatever. He didn't usually get caught when he was in his right mind. He eventually ended up living in some cave a couple miles outside of the city, sometimes staying there for days or even weeks before showing his face back in the city. The isolation at times started to drive him a bit insane, though he'd never realize it.

As the years kept moving on, Zayn tried to interact with people sometimes, but most just ended up using him or having him hang around to make fun of which he caught on to and fucked off. Zayn was rarely the one being approached first and when he was he was cautious. Eventually an accident happened on a bridge and Zayn fell through as some boards broke and he landed in the freezing cold river. To his confusion, everything around him started to freeze over. But water doesn't freeze like that...Not fast and unnaturally. Zayn fought the ice as he tried to reach the shore, nearly drowning before he got out. Finally he caught on to the fact that he was the one making the ice...Somehow. He had heard of magic, but had no idea he had it. He took interest in this and started learning how to better use it, and ended up using it in some of his crimes of course...And the occasional slippery sidewalk to make people fall.

One day after Zayn had some people harassing and attacking him and he had ran away to hide, a human followed after him and found him hiding beside a dumpster in an alley. Thinking the man was with the others, when he reached out his hand Zayn bit him. Hard. This man was Darryn. Instead a of being mad or scared, he just scolded Zayn like he was some weird dog and said he just wanted to pet him as if that someone makes it less weird. Because the first think you do when you see a weird monster is pet them, clearly. Zayn felt slightly offended by this and told Darryn not to pet him like some animal. Darryn apologized and said he was just worried about him after seeing people messing with him, but then Zayn ran off. Darryn felt like a fucking idiot.

Darryn eventually bumped in to Zayn again one night and tried to get Zayn's attention, but Zayn ignored him and took off yet again. The next time, Zayn finally came over but only to try and tell Darryn to fuck off and he wasn't falling for it. Darryn had no idea what that meant. He insisted he just wanted to get to know Zayn. Zayn questioned why, and Darryn admitted he has an interest in studying creatures like Zayn, but also just wanted to hang out with Zayn since he seemed to be having a hard time. Zayn once again felt offended, yet also...Curious. Maybe the man didn't actually mean harm, but that study remark was sort of weird. But he had nothing to lose. Zayn humored him. Darryn showed Zayn where his apartment is, but Zayn refused to enter, saying he's not allowed in places. Darryn found this shocking and strange but told him if he changes his mind to come over and he won't tell anyone. They ended up hanging around the park mostly instead, or sometimes walking around the forest outside the city together.

One day Zayn ended up showing up at the apartment and wanted to come inside. Once he was was let in, he saw the place was a mess. He didn't say anything, but the next day when Darryn was at work Zayn broke in, not to steal anything, but to clean the place. By the time Darryn got home he found the door was unlocked and expecting the worst he pulled out his gun and barged in to see if there was an intruder. There was by all means. Zayn saw Darryn and the gun and ended up screaming and running off to hide. Darryn noticed the the whole place was spotless. Confused as hell, he put the gun away and and went to find Zayn who was hiding under the bed. Zayn frantically apologized and said he just wanted to surprise him by cleaning things up for him. Darryn scolded him for breaking in, but then thanked him for trying to help out but to next time just ask so there's no accidents. Zayn agreed and said he'd help keep things clean if he wants. Darryn was usually too worn out to clean so he gladly accepted.

After a few months they were much closer and became proper friends, Zayn often hanging out in Darryn's apartment. Zayn almost got ran off by the landlord but then Darryn asked if he noticed all the rats were gone. Why? Because Zayn ate them. He ate all the fucking rats. The landlord reluctantly said Zayn can stay around if he keeps the pests away and doesn't break anything. Weird way to get to stay around but okay.

Zayn and Darryn were almost always around each other, as neither of them really had anyone else to be around. Darryn only moved to the city a few months ago and, like Zayn, struggles to get close to anyone and has no other friends here. And they were both content just being around each other. Some of Zayn's behavior concerned Darryn though and he'd often try to stop Zayn from doing more extreme things. Sometimes it worked. Other times Darryn joined in on Zayn's chaos. It depended on what it was about or towards as Darryn was a bit of a trouble maker himself, just not as much as Zayn.

Zayn found out about a strange portal of sorts at the back of his cave, and Darryn excitedly asked Zayn to show him as he had heard rumors about this kind of thing before, and that it could be where Zayn is from. The idea scared Zayn a bit, but they both went in. But they were soon after attacked by a group of monsters, or almost. After a few hits, they stopped to stare at Zayn and then run away as if afraid. Why would they fear Zayn? Eventually they found the town of Gemfall, which was full of not humans, but animal and creature like beings. Darryn told Zayn he must really be from here, but Zayn pointed out no one seemed to look anything like him. Mostly just in denial of finding the place he's from.

They stayed in this town for a few days learning things, and a lot of the person here took interest in Darryn specifically- They thought humans didn't exist. Were just a myth. Zayn thought it was funny to see a human is the one who stands out for once. Then one night Zayn snuck outside of town alone. He felt like something was calling to him. Eventually encountered a monstrous, dragon like beast. He expected to be killed, but she only stared at him. And then she sat down and started to speak.

Zayn was related to this beast, and this is why the smaller monsters ran from him. She's was one of several of the most powerful monsters alive. Zayn wasn't sure how to feel about this, to find out he was part of a creature that comes from the void itself- An evil form of life at that. He felt like everything he was told was true. Maybe he really was a monster. He went back in to town and told Darryn later, but Darryn reassured Zayn that he isn't bad. Just like Darryn himself, a part demon, isn't bad either. They had something in common in a way.

The next day Zayn encountered an odd man who had a constant grin on his face. The man took an interest in Zayn and said he wanted to teach him things he might not know about himself. Zayn agreed and told Darryn he'd be back later. After a couple days Zayn came back and insisted they needed to leave immediately. Darryn was confused, but agreed as they needed to get back either way. Before they made it all the way to the portal area, a massive serpent appeared in the sky. Zayn panicked and practically dragged Darryn to get there faster, the serpent letting out an echoing roar as they both vanished in to the portal. The beast would keep coming back around and trying to rip the portal open more to follow, but seemed to be failing. That giant serpent was the same man that Zayn had left with before. Zayn explained that they can't go back, and that thing is after him. Darryn agreed and they never went back nor talked about it much.

A few months after that event, eventually their friendship got a bit more than friendly, but Zayn never tried to pursue anything himself due to knowing Darryn wasn't fully comfortable with the idea. But then Darryn ended up being the one to admit his feelings to Zayn instead. Zayn told him he felt the same for a long while but didn't want to scare him away if he said anything first. Zayn technically started to live with Darryn, but still insisted the cave was his real home and he needed the shortage there anyways. Darryn didn't question it, but did say Zayn better let him move in if he ever can't pay the rent. Zayn of course has no issue with that, but does find it funny a human would willingly move in to a cave.

Other info

  • Known Abilities:
  • Ice breath, ice touch, can make it snow from a cloud...Ice stuff. Use your imagination.
  • Very physically powerful despite his looks. Can lift up to a ton when pissed off enough.
  • Has a strong enough bite he could take a bite out of metal if he wanted. If his teeth fall out they regrow.
  • Hard to hurt let alone kill, his flesh is stronger than natural and he has rapid healing (think a day or two for something that would take most a week)
  • He can digest almost anything, but despite that he can get very sick still from eating strange things. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should lol.
  • He drank 80% of a magic potion that gave him shapeshifting based on dormant genetics. Due to not drinking the whole thing it can be...Wonky looking. He can become "human" though a messed up looking one, grow wings but they might be mismatching, ect...
  • His paws can produce a glowing blue slime that leaves prints as he walks.
  • Known Weaknesses:
  • Often refuses to fightback and as a result is easy to hurt.
  • May trip on big ass tail.
  • Fire magic (ironic)
  • Weapons:Explosives mostly but he won't use them on people.
  • Likes:Fire, The smell of gunpowder, Gardening, Stargazing, Drugs+Alcohol, Sex (whore), Cleaning, Building and fixing things
  • Dislikes:Christmas, Holidays in general, Feminine clothes (on himself), Hot weather+Rooms, Muzzles, Animal remarks at himself, His fur being called hair, Hs tail being touched/pulled
  • Bonus facts:
  • His body is full of bullets/bullet fragments that he couldn't remove. He has one in his forehead and if you press that spot he sometimes faints. Really should get that removed it's poking at his brain. He's fine.
  • When Zayn gets too uncomfortable or worked up, he'll commonly faint.
  • His tail puffs up when he's excited about something.
  • He always has weirdly large amounts of lighters, gas, matches, candles, fireworks, cigarettes, drugs, and more stored away in his cave. He in fact stole all of it.
  • He has drawn off and on his whole life but he isn't that great. He also writes horror but won't really share that with anyone.
  • He is left handed. This is not interesting.

Known Interactions

    Friends with and is dating Darryn. You'll almost always see them around each other.
